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Cherry, Orange, Banana, Lime and Coconut |
All of the swatches above two coats. These apply evenly, no streaking, and are opaque in 2-3 coats on the nail (I hate visible nail lines through my polish!). I used a scale of 0-5 to rank the scents, 0 being no smell at all, and 5 being jolly ranchers in your face strong lol. All scents were tested right after they dried, at 24 hours and again at 48 hours.
Cherry is a dark, bright pink, and it smells like cherry chapstick. This one was hard to judge when it dried, somewhere between a 4 and a 5. At 24 hours it had faded a little to a 3, and by 48 hours it was almost imperceptible at a 1.
Orange is a dark bright orange and was by far the worst of the bunch. It had a very mild citrus smell when it was dry, but was only about a 2 in strength. You really had to breath in deep to get this one! As you might have assumed, both the 24 hour and 48 hour tests were 0's.
Banana is a yellow creme and smells just like banana Runt candies. I was seriously having flashbacks of my childhood to my mom, who hates bananas, giving me all of the banana Runt's out of her candy lol. This one was VERY strong at a 5 when dry, and it held strong at a 4 for both of the following tests. Actually today, over a week later, it is still holding it's own at about a 3.
Lime was another major disappointment, but for different reasons than Orange. The color is a flat grass-y green, and the scent is nothing like a lime. Try more like lemon pinesol, if you sniffed the floor right after mopping. It was not a pleasant scent at all and was unfortunately very strong, coming in at a 5 when it dried. Thankfully it faded to a 3 at 24 hours, and a 0 at 48.
Coconut is a light pastel blue creme and smells like suntan oil. I happen to love that smell, so it was a win for me, but if coconut scented suntan oil is not your thing, you might wanna skip this one. This one was a consistent 4 at all 3 test points, and just like Banana, it is still going strong today at a 3. Actually, I have swatches of this one that I painted on a nail wheel last April that still have a hint of coconut scent to them!
Overall they're fun colors to play with. I did a cute manicure with them last spring with one color on each nail like the wheel above, and a black crackle top coat. You could definitely smell the coconut and banana for the few days I wore it, and it made me long for the beach!! Day one was just a big skittle scented pinesol mess lol.